
Tissue-Tail application

In order to meet the needs of higher speed rewinding machines and modern high speed especially the most high speed machine, Hetrun has developed good performance product for different applications to

In order to meet the needs of higher speed rewinding machines and modern high speed especially the most high speed machine, Hetrun has developed good performance product for different applications to reduce the time of paper roll and improve efficiency. Development of the headset has the following characteristics:

  1. Good anti-mildew: microbial living environment is generally acidic, inhibit mildew in excellent performance.

  2. The initial viscosity: the product of the initial viscosity is excellent, in the paper towel with the same contact with the core, the paper can effectively stick with the paper core, to avoid paper towels in the paper core curling, affecting the consumer's impression of the product.

  3. Low cost of the product, compared to the early head of the plastic, the product through the improvement of the formula, the cost greatly reduced


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