

The water-based barrier oil has excellent is  olation and release effect on the water-based composite adhesive ,and has good adhesion to ink printing surface,metal,glass,non-woven fabric,paper an

The water-based barrier oil has excellent is  olation and release effect on the water-based composite adhesive ,and has good adhesion to ink printing surface,metal,glass,non-woven fabric,paper and other materials, and plays a role of isolation and peotection.

镇宁| 万年县| 海口市| 岐山县| 社会| 扎兰屯市| 广德县| 彩票| 集安市| 定结县| 云梦县| 商水县| 时尚| 驻马店市| 东乡族自治县| 绥芬河市| 岢岚县| 江华| 天全县| 乌鲁木齐县| 格尔木市| 荥经县| 陆丰市| 崇仁县| 唐山市| 山东| 山阳县| 太仓市| 九台市| 上蔡县| 河池市| 沙洋县| 内乡县| 三穗县| 大方县| 鲁山县| 贵州省| 南昌县| 义马市| 武胜县| 武安市|