
Customer visit

2018-11-29 14:39:16 39

Hetrun,ushered in the visit of Hengan Group customers, high-quality products and services, good company qualification and reputation, is an important reason to attract customers to visit.

Herun expressed warm welcome to the visit of Hengan Group and arranged a meticulous reception work to reassure customers. This is our aim.

After the first meeting and the introduction of the company, accompanied by the company's leadership and technical staff, the customer visited the company's production workshop and laboratory. The company's technical staff explained on the spot and introduced the product features, setting requirements, technical parameters. The use environment and requirements, etc., also provide detailed answers to all kinds of questions raised by customers, so that customers can clearly understand the products of our company, research and development, high quality assurance, rich professional knowledge and excellent working ability. It also left a deep mark on the customer.

During the audit and exchange, the two parties discussed the products and qualification documents of our company. The current development status of the company, as well as the technical improvement of the equipment and sales cases, were introduced to the customers in detail. The customers expressed their affirmation to the company's strength and the company's products. It also gave high recognition and discussed with the company on future cooperation between the two parties, and promoted strategic cooperation to a new height. We hope to achieve mutual benefit and common development in cooperation.

After this on-site visit, the client said that seeing the overall strength of the company and full confidence in the future development of the company, the visit has laid a good foundation for the cooperation between the two parties. The two sides have been open and cooperative in a candid and constructive manner. Exchange and discussion, cooperation and win-win, and hope to develop together in future cooperation.

Finally, our company leaders took photos with customers and remembered that in the future, we hope that both sides will develop and progress together!

Hetrun Industry Group Ltd.

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