
2019, start work

2019-01-28 14:38:47 73

The atmosphere of the Spring Festival has not dissipated.

The new journey has kicked off.

New year new life.

Today, the eighth day of the lunar calendar,

We are officially at work!

New beginnings, new journeys, new hopes.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the first day of the pig year was started.

Hetrun wishes everyone to start working!

Hetrun Industry Group Ltd.

The road ahead may be full of ruggedness.

Only struggle can not be afraid of the wind and rain.

Every time it seems like a normal change,

It is possible to change the extraordinary of you.

Struggling for a dream,

It will never be too late.

We are all working hard,

We are all dream catchers.

2019, our potential is unlimited;

2019, we are promising;

2019, we work together;

2019, pick up the sleeves and dry them;

2019, Asahikawa is destined to be more dazzling every step of the way.

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